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Oak Orchard

Yacht Club

Date: 9/5/2024
Subject: September 2024 Bullfrog
From: Mary Lu Hodgins

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September 2024 Newsletter

 Guest Editor: Mary Lu Hodgins

Dockmaster, Larry Travis

On July 6th, the Cobourg Yacht Club revived their Curtis Cup race to OOYC which previously was a long-standing tradition.  We hosted their club by providing docks and a chicken barbecue.  Mike McCauley provided the evening entertainment, and all had a great time.  The next morning, those of us that typically socialize at the T-Dock, hosted a breakfast before they departed.  Everyone expressed their thanks, and they want to continue the tradition next year.  I’d like to thank all those that helped make this event a tremendous success. 

There has been a slight increase in visitors this year with the majority (76%) being Canadian boaters. In addition to the Cobourg Yacht Club, we hosted boats and crews that were here for the Henri race and Power Squadron cruise. 

Here are some of my observations as dockmaster:

  • Visitors were from 28 different Yacht clubs.
  • 66% of visitors were signed in during the week.
  • Some visitors were looking for transportation and we were able to give them Sue Roberts number (local Uber) which will be included in our future visitor guide.
  • Many visitors joined us on the T-Dock for happy hour and coffee on the weekend for those that were here.
  • Many were repeat visitors.
  • Several made us their destination port.
  • Only one boater questioned the first night $20 cost.
  • Several visitors stopped here due to recommendations from their fellow boaters.

All in all, it has been a successful season and hopefully a sign of getting back to normal after the high water, low water, and covid years.

Saturday, Sept. 14th is scheduled for teardown and rebuilding of 5 finger docks.  In addition, we are going to clean up the area around the Youth Sailing shed and the dock maintenance shed.  If you have any items there, you may want to get them before the 14th as anything not claimed is going to be discarded.  The work will start at 9:00 am with finger 0/1.  The plan is to tear down the decking and lower fender boards from the 5 fingers.  Cut and marshal new decking and materials to the fingers.  We have hired the same contractor to build the new fingers after the teardowns are completed.  Please let me know if you plan on being here for this important project.  There are jobs for all skill levels and physical capabilities.

As we are now getting to the end of boating season, please check your boat, especially if it hasn’t been used for a while, to see if the lowering water level has affected the way it is secured to the dock.  Fenders may no longer be aligned with fender boards or the dock.  Lines may be tighter than the last time you checked.


Fleet Captain, Darren Leonard

Fleet Captain, Youth Sailing, Becky Almeter

We had an excellent two sessions of youth sailing this year!

Some of the highlights from this year include:

  • We had five instructors/junior instructors, with 2 new instructors, 3 returning, and one student from the first session who volunteered to be a junior instructor in the second session. The new instructors got their feet wet this year and will hopefully be back to continue to lead the program in the coming years. Everyone worked exceptionally well together, and the kids adored all five of the instructors. Go team!
  • We had great turnout with registration – the second session was completely full and the first session more than half full. Keep on spreading the word!
  • We had the opportunity to send OOYC sailors to a regatta hosted at Olcott Yacht Club. Even though our racers did so much hard work to prepare, they were initially apprehensive about how they would do. It was the first regatta for all of them. However, all their practice paid off as they swept up the regatta, taking the top 6 places ahead of Olcott’s team. More importantly, they had a great time, got to experience traveling to another club, meeting the other team, and how a competitive regatta works. Congrats guys! Can’t wait to see what you’ll do next year!
  • We had a ton of fun together – on a day with bad weather, we took the first session to Nova trampoline park, we got to swim in Rich DeValk’s beautiful pool (a favorite of the program for many of the kids), we had some beach days, Pirate Day with scavenger hunt, plenty of land games (Spud every day) and of course, the sailing. One of their favorite activities on the water is capsizing, which they got to practice a lot.
  • Sailing!!!! What this is all about – we worked on many things, with the instructors tailoring to different experience levels. Some of the things they taught include: race tactics, boat/speed control, maneuvering, sailing in light wind, upwind sailing, identifying wind direction, helming, points of sail, sailing backward, rigging, right of way rules, and more.

Running the program was a learning experience for me. A big thank you to all the support from several club members, as I wouldn’t have been able to lead the program without their help. Including, but not limited to:

Kim Hofmann - handled all of the program’s administration while hosting an army of youth sailors in her home AND always being there to answer questions …. Kim you are a superwoman!

John Zimmerman – for handling many things from last year, helping get boats in and out of the water, taking care of the safety boat winterization, loaning us equipment, handling payroll, volunteering to host the youth sailors on his sailboat for a day each session.

Larry Beneway, the Thumans, Larry Travis, for handling boats in and out of the water plus all the ways that you supported the program (frantic texts from me about broken dock boards and flooding in the pool room).

Bob and Mary Lu Hodgins – for doing much-needed repairs on the safety boats, hosting the youth sailors on their sailboat for a day, hosting my kids at their home for the entire month of July, and generally being available for whatever was needed.

John and Karen Brown – for the use of your power boat. Thank you so much.

Rich DeValk – for the use of your pool and other ways in which you support the program.

And a big thank you to everyone else who offered help, who stopped me to ask how it was going, shared encouragement, and all the members graciously sharing the docks, driveway and club space with all the kids.

This program depends on teamwork from several members and it’s clear that the club is invested in the future of youth sailing. Continuing this team effort is paramount to maintaining a program that is safe, fun, educational, and has the potential to grow and add value to the club as a whole. I look forward to what comes next!


Call or text 585-813-7259

Youth Sailing 2024 Session 1
Youth Sailing 2024 Session 2
Sailing the Hunter
Thank you, John & Karen!
Rainy Day at the Trampoline Park
Olcott Regatta Crew
Youth Sailing Practicing Racing Skills

Treasurer, Christine Zimmerman

 As of 9/3/2024, the bank balances are as follows:
             Operating Account       $ 27,580.21

            Money Market                 24,769.07

            Youth Sailing                   12,032.49

Aside from utilities (water, electric, propane, trash, etc.), the following expenses are coming up:

    Dock lumber        $7,500

    School taxes        $4,256 (last year; don’t have this year’s invoice yet)

    Lawn                    $2,500

    Shared boat         $   660 (winter storage)

    CPA                      $   775 (2023 tax return prep)

    Sales tax              $3,500 (due 9/20)

    Propane pre-buy  $2,000

If you have a question, feel free to call/text me at (716) 432-1421 or email me at


Vice Commodore, Jeff Thuman

The restaurant and bar are scheduled to remain open through September. We are fully staffed at this time; you will see a few new faces helping us get to the end of the season.

This year we had the opportunity to run the restaurant ourselves. Although we didn’t meet our expectations in terms of income and attendance, we learned a lot about what it takes to operate a two-day-a-week restaurant. To do this again, we will need to make some adjustments to the menu and staff so we can reduce expenses or find ways to get a greater response from the members and increase attendance and revenue. The bar and restaurant will be open at 5 on Friday and Saturday, stop in and meet our new bartenders, have a drink and enjoy the restaurant.


As we wrap up the 2024 season, we will begin to reduce our bar and food inventory. We may not have every choice available, thank you for understanding.

Please consider attending the important meeting on September 7th. This will be an opportunity for the members to share their ideas that can make the club better, we look forward to seeing you there.


Marketing Director, Trish Brantingham

Marketing efforts this summer have focused on a promotional flyer and updates to the website.  The flyer is intended to pique interest in learning more about OOYC.  I distributed flyers to 30 locations around the region, including marinas, post offices, town and county offices, and shops. If you know of a location where there is foot traffic and a place to post a flyer, let me know and I will get one out.  We don’t know yet whether this will be an effective way to attract interest in the club, but it is cheap and relatively easy, so worth a try.

The website has been a bigger challenge.  If you have been on the site lately, you have seen many of the changes, which are designed to make the site easier to navigate and more engaging.  But there are additional changes that I have made to individual pages that have not yet been made active, so there is a mix of old and new.  Keep checking -- I’ll get there eventually.

My thanks to those who sent me photos for the website.  I continue to look for photos to enhance the vibrancy of the site.  I will make time regularly to update photos and information on the site, so please do send me your current photos.  As the season wears down, there will be fewer opportunities, but even into the fall we can present a picture of a lively, attractive, congenial club through our website.

Rear Commodore, Larry Beneway

It’s fall, we’ve endured a summer of crazy weather and get to look forward to some great
boating weather before the snow clouds come to visit for the winter. Our clubhouse has endured some issues because of the rains that we’ll try to address in our fall work party.
We repaired some sink drains, repaired some water leaks, fixed some lighting issues, replaced a broken dock board, trimmed trees along the lower driveway, all kinds of little issues that develop. Thank you to all that helped with these projects.


Membership Chair, Kim Hofmann


Membership Type

May 2022

September 2024













Total Memberships



Note: The following membership report reflects
primary memberships that represent an entire


Membership Meeting

I will not be able to attend our September 7th Membership meeting as it is the same day I am hosting a graduation party, but I have heard that many of our members plan to attend! Thank you all so very much for caring for our club, and for making an effort to be a part of the brainstorming and creativity it will take to keep our doors open. It’s “easy enough” to send in a membership check as a support or “donation”, but we all know that will not be enough long term. If we are not intentionally creating relevant purpose and memories, our club will only last as long as those who are alive who previously had them.

Announcing more 2024 members!

Social Member: John Richmond

It has been great to see John’s smile in our clubhouse! Welcome back to the club John Richmond!

“I grew up on OOTL every summer from the time I was born until I graduated high school in 1960.  My older brother ("T") was commodore of the snipe fleet for a few years, and he, my brother-in-law and I all raced our snipes twice a Sunday back then. Mom and Dad donated the huge andirons from our original cottage for the fireplace at the yacht club when it was a very small building across the creek.  I raced in college and taught sailing on the Chesapeake Bay.  

But that was a few years ago.  No boat now, but taking a shot at crewing on Thursday nights. My two sons are in the photo.  My wife of 52 years passed in 2019 and my daughter in 2022.

It's great to be back; I guess it's in the blood..” 

Social Member: John Loverde

Please help me also welcome social member, John Loverde. John and his wife Anne had been previous members. (They joined OOYC back in 2011.) They owned a 343 Beneteau and enjoyed sailing at OOYC. Anne was our executive secretary for 4 or 5 years. Sadly, Anne became ill and passed away this March. John, now retired, rejoined the club to meet new people and to share meals with our members. Welcome back, John. We are honored to have you with us! We hope you have enjoyed the community and comradery!

Social Member: Anne Podolak

We were delighted to have Anne in our second session of adult sailing classes this past June. Since then, Anne has joined our club and has also participated in our Thursday night races!

 “I love being on the water and would love to learn more about sailing. I used to race with friends in Buffalo but hadn’t been in a sailboat since 2007. I am new to the area and would like to meet new people. I enjoy socializing with happy, like-minded folks. I also enjoy networking, event planning, and writing. I have safety EMS training, and was a former whitewater raft guide. I also am a code inspector for the town of Carlton.” 

Anne has a lot of skills that will be a great asset to our OOYC family. Welcome to the club Anne! We are thankful you are eager to be an active, contributing member.

Associate Member: William Vosteen

“I’m Bill Vosteen. Growing up in a sailing family gave me the love and made me comfortable with the art of sailing. When I was young, life on Oak Orchard River and the yacht club was a major part of my childhood Summers. Weekend long distance races with our family and parties at the old OOYC clubhouse where the state park parking lot is on the East side by the lighthouse were regular events. I’m still looking for an old photo of the old clubhouse. My father was key in the building of the new clubhouse in its current location. Working with Ed Archbald for the purchase of the land, building the dock first then the clubhouse. This was after a special meeting with other OOYC officers and then Governor Nelson Rockefeller to raise the parkway bridges to its current 52 feet to allow sailboats to dock at OOYC and other areas south of the bridges.

There was a period after college I didn’t participate in sailing much, then in the late 1980’s I started crewing with Wilson and Harry Maines on their J35, “White Ice”. Their interest in racing was winding down as my interest was increasing. This inspired me to buy an Olson 30, Thumper, which I actively raced at OOYC. I sailed all through the 1990’s racing all over the lake and crewing on friend’s boats on a few Mackinac races both from Port Huron and Chicago. During this period, I was active in a number of the officer posts at OOYC including a couple years of fleet captain, rear commodore and commodore. I did resign as a member in the early 2000’s as I was having health issues and sold Thumper.

I now have a Ranger FUN 23 “Maya” which I mainly sail recreationally but include a couple of OOYC races every Summer. I’m looking forward to enjoying what OOYC has to offer. See you on the water and around the club.” -Bill

Bill Vosteen

Bill’s 23-foot racing sailboat: Maya

Special Mentions


I have been very touched to read about Paul Drushler this year as Darren Leonard has sought to honor his OOYC contributions by requesting his honorary membership status and continuing to invite us to enjoy Paul’s invention of the Ketchup Race. Paul became an honorary member in October of 2023 but sadly passed this past May. In lieu of flowers, many sent donations to our youth sailing program in honor of Paul. Thank you to all who have honored his contributions and legacy in this meaningful way!

In the Community

Our sons, Ethan and Robert Hofmann, had the privilege to be invited to give a presentation at the Lee-Whedon Memorial Library in Medina on Friday, August 9th. The theme of all participating libraries throughout the United State’s summer series was “Adventure Begins at Your Library”. The Lee-Whedon staff chose to vector their series to encourage our residents to get outdoors and into nature.

Ethan introduced our club and sailing programs to the children and parents. He then started the instruction time with a verbal quiz to test their knowledge of sailing. Ethan and Robert then taught the children 4 basic sailing knots and discussed sailing basics. Ethan encouraged the children to consider our club’s Youth Sailing program next summer. We were also able to leave an OOYC display table set up for 2 weeks with a poster and OOYC brochures advertising our club and boating programs. This was a neat opportunity and I have had some inquiries about our club as a result!

Kim Hofmann

(585) 356-9086 

Call or text at any time!

Website Director, Carl Engle

As the summer winds down and we go towards Fall, take some time to check out all the page updates on the Website. There have been many changes to the pages and menus. Big thanks to Trish for spending all the needed time to make the website look and feel even more friendly! Keep watching as we implement more changes. See below just some of the example pages.

This summer has been a busy and successful season with all the member lead events.  Thanks to all that helped out planning, arranging and setting/cleaning up at all the events this past summer. We are looking for more great ideas for low/no cost membership managed events for the upcoming off season and even planning for next year. Contact us for any ideas.

International Food Festival
George and Sue Campbell - Alsace Lorraine
Rich DeValk - Caribbean
Mary Lu and Bob Hodgins - Bahamas
Chris and John Zimmerman, Bonnie Gray, Jean and Bob Newman - Hungary
Rick and Dawn Stacey - Mediterranean
Deborah and Wayne Schiavone - Italy
Patty and Ralph Moorhouse and Patty's cousin, Eileen Sorochty - Italy

Notes from the Commodore, Bob Hodgins

It’s hard to believe the season is winding down already. It has been a good year at the lake and the club. A very successful sailing school year for both youth and adults. A great season of racing. Some very well attended parties. While the restaurant has faced some challenges there were many nights of great meals and fun at the bar. 

The board has been very active in trying to look to the future and guide your club for success. You all are aware that we have a membership meeting scheduled for this Saturday, September 7 at 5 pm. This is a very important meeting that we hope will give us guidance from the members for the future direction of the club. 


Please, I am asking all members, both full and social, to come and help your board make critical decisions. 

I think the club is at a crossroads and our future depends on us making choices that the majority of members support so the club can continue to thrive.

We will gather at 5 pm, hot dogs and burgers, beer, wine and soda will be provided by the club. Please bring a dish to pass. We will eat and then convene the meeting. 


Senior Director, John Zimmerman


As we begin slowing down club activities for the season it is time to begin planning for next year. We’d like to increase active memberships, continue to replace worn docks, and solidify a pickleball program to name a few. Most urgently we need to continue to have a social environment that promotes friendships for our members and guests. Our restaurant and bar service along with numerous events are key to the camaraderie offered at OOYC. Our member meeting on September 7, 2024, will explain the challenges we have had over the past several years in providing restaurant service and ask for member input on what a restaurant and bar service could be moving forward. We hope for a good turnout.

With that being said this is the time to ask for members to get a little more involved with the many things it requires to operate our club. Nominations for next year’s board of directors will be open to full members soon. If you would like to know about a board position, please feel free to contact me or any current board member. 

If you don’t foresee yourself on the board there are many opportunities to serve the club helping out, whatever level of membership you are. Any of our current board of directors will be happy to answer any questions you have or put you in contact with someone who can.

The success of our club depends on the help, support and involvement of our members. 

(716) 432-1810

Steak Roast 2024

Keep up with the latest posts on our Facebook Page, Oak Orchard Yacht Club at

Check out the ads for OOYC which are in the current issue of Scuttlebutt and in the Orleans County Tourism Booklet.

Bottle Returns to Benefit OOYC Youth Sailing

When you are at the club please deposit your returnable bottles and cans in the barrel by the dumpster or in the barrel by the laundry room. These will be dropped off at Upstate Bottle Return. Or you can drop your bottles and cans off at Upstate Bottle Return, 449 West Ave, Albion. Just tell them it is for the OOYC Youth Sailing Program. Every little bit helps.

Member Boating & Club Event Photos

This is your newsletter so if you have any photos you would like to share of your boating activities or OOYC events during the season or over the winter months, email them to me (preferably in .jpg format) at